Bill Gates, one of the wealthiest people in the world, is reputed to have told this personal story.

He had been asked if he knew anyone wealthier than himself – and his answer was spiritually uplifting.

“Yes, I know a person who is far wealthier than myself” he replied.

One day when he was young and still financially struggling he passed a humble newspaper vendor.

He badly wanted to catch up on the news but had no money.

He took a paper for a moment and then reluctantly placed it back on the stand.

“I don’t have enough money” he told the paper seller.

“I’m giving it to you for free” the news vendor replied.

Two to three months later he passed the same news stand and again didn’t have the cash to buy the paper.

The vendor again offered him the newspaper for free.

He refused his offer, excusing himself for not having enough money.

The paperman said “You can take the paper, I’ll pay for it from my profits. It won’t hurt me. ”

So Bill Gates humbly took the newspaper.

Many years, later Bill Gates remembered the newspaper seller and started looking for him.

Finally, he found him.

He asked the older man “Do you know me?”

The man replied “Yes, you’re Bill Gates.”

He asked him “Do you remember me? You gave me a newspaper for free…..”

The man answered, “Yes, I remember you. I gave you two newspapers”.

Bill told him, “I want to return the help you gave me then. To match your generosity. Please tell me what you’d like or want and I will arrange it. ’’

The older man smiled and said, “Sir, how do you think you can match my previous help of you by doing this?”.

Bill answered “I’m very rich now. I can buy you anything I want now”.

The older man, appreciative but unmoved replied. “How can your help of me in any way match my help of you? I was just a poor struggling newspaper seller, and you are one of the richest people in the world.”

Bill Gates said, “I realized that day that the newspaper vendor was far richer than I was because he didn’t wait to become rich to help someone.

He did it where he was with what he had”.

The truly rich are those who have forever open hearts, flowing open minds and a growing inner sureness that all happens safely, as is meant.

They rely on the Bank of Oneness.

They consistently deposit kindnesses, thankfulness and compassion into their personal account daily.

And they happily withdraw riches of joy, peace, love and fulfilment to gladly share with others, free of any charges, 24/7.

Their everyday activities endow their endeavours far richer than any amount of money ever could.

Peace be within you.



Please HELP ME by letting your friends and family know……
Newcastle Weekend in person in a fortnight!!!
At: Newcastle Spiritualist Church, Swan Street.
Saturday 6th July
10-4pm  ‘From Delusion to Evolution’
Highly popular Les Dyer Workshop that offers practical steps to realistically
‘Embrace the Divine Spirit Within’.
Saturday 7-9pm
Meditations For Healing and Happiness plus Mordechai Speaks!
(includes a super special channelled event!).
Sunday 7th July
10- 1pm  ‘Centreing’.
A brand new Les Dyer Workshop on ‘How to Be the Light Every Day’.
Cost: total weekend workshop program……or any part of it……
$100 if you’re wealthy/$50 if you can afford it/
$20 if funds are low/by closed envelope donation if that helps.
No-one ever turned away!
Bookings: Phone: Newcastle 0494 029 236 or please email me
